Women Entrepreneur




Smt. Chandra Kala Bhardyoj

women enterpreneur


Mrs. Chandra Kala Bhardyoj of (Jabalpur district) residing with their family. But, they had an urge to earn their livelihood and be self reliant financially and hence wanted to develop a skill which could support them.


  • She has received vocational training on Cushion making, One SHGs group met KVK scientist with this need and were advised to adopt small scale Homemade materials unit.

Mrs. Chandra Kala happily now speaks confidently about her achievements. She says, before she started earning she was dependent on her husband for amount as small as  Rs. 100-200 house hold expenditures of daily needs. But now she is independent economically and even supports her family when needed.

She expressed gratitude towards the Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jabalpur, for giving an opportunity for women to adopt secondary agriculturaland making them self-dependent.

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, is determined to organize more such programme to strengthen rural-women as per their need.




