To identify the better, profitable and feasible technological options, different programmes were formulated and implemented on the farmers' fields.
The major achievements are:
- Promotion of moong in summer fallow: Spread of technology- 17550 farmers in 47388 ha
- Promotion of zero tillage in Rice- Wheat-Summer Moong cropping sequence: Spread of technology: 73 villages; 486 farmers; 1990 ha
- Promotion of agri-waste management through vermicompost: Spread of technology: 16 villages, 549 vermi-compost units
- New technologies were assessed and demonstrated at farmers’ fields
- Training programmes were organized for farmers and farm women, rural youth, inserve personnels, school drop outs
- Enhancement in crop productivity varying from 50 to 71% in different crops
- Twenty four self help groups and societies were initiated to utilize time and generated additional income
- Established village library at four locations of Jabalpur district in order to provide ready information/knowledge to the farmers
- Promote the use of biofertilizers especially the rhizobium and PSB and use of Trichoderma in pulses
- Promotion of crop/varietal diversification under stress conditions
- Create awareness among the farmers for summer deep ploughing, soil testing, seed treatment and use of nutrients based on soil test value
- Initiated the Kisan Mobile Sandesh to speed up the technology diffusion process
- At information technology front, published quarterly news letter Jawahar Krishi Sandesh and made available to different organizations and farmers.
- Established Vegetable and fruit garden, crop cafeteria, demonstration units on meadow orchard and scion bank for producing quality planting material