Technology Park


During the past decades, SAU’s and research institutions have carried out research and generated /developed myriads of technologies related to agriculture. Out of which many have reached to the users and accepted as these have proved beneficial to them. A large number of technologies are still available with the developers and waiting for the diffusion/ spread to the beneficiaries.
KVK scientists after interacting with farmers/users and extension personnel working with the farmers felt need for location specific technology suitable for a particular area pooled at a place to make aware and sensitize the farmers/farm women to adopt and accept. The system will help in dispersing the technology at a faster rate.


Technolopgy Park consists of :


Crop Cafeteria

Scion bank

Technology Desk

Visitors Gallery

Technology Exhibition

Gate- Valve



A place having live demonstration on various crops/varieties, vegetables, fruits, medicinal plants; Kitchen Garden, Azolla Unit, Zero energy cool chamber unit, Poly house, Net house, Portable Tunnel, Vermicompost Unit, etc including related technologies for the benefit of visiting farmers so that they can learn and earn more money per unit of area, per unit of time.


crop cafeteria
Vegetable & Fruit Cafeteria
Poly House
Net House
Azolla Unit
Zero enery cool chamber


Scion Bank of Fruits and Plants is a collection and conservation of fruits and plants for multiplication.

scion bank  







Technology Desk

Prominent technologies/innovative models put on the side (desk) for farmers/users perusal so that they can understand and adopt the suitable location specific technologies as per their need.
Farming situation based modules:
•IPM module for gram/tomato (Tomato:Marigold 16:1)
•SRI system for upland  in Paddy
•Ridge and furrow system in kharif pulses
•Lac cultivation
•Agri silviculture system
•Bio farming
•Agri horticulture system
Visitors Gallery
visitors gallery


Technology Exhition


•It is a display of selected items/technologies in the form of exhibits viz. agricultural implements, seed samples, bio-fertilizers etc along with their technology details to acquaint the visitors with latest technological advances to fulfill the concept of believing by seeing..  Thus, it is a way of exhibiting the exhibits beneficial for the farmers.



Gate Valve


The pool of agricultural technologies in a junction to provide a set of knowledge to the farmers at one place. In this way, the user can get something about the technology before leaving the centre viz. agro products, services, technologies and information related to their agricultural practices and marketing through pamphlets, bulletins etc. and solution to their problems at one place and in a speedy manner

